The Guild 2 Imperial Fame

Imperial Hero II Key Features. Character Development – Be rewarded for your exploration and adventures with experience points, a great skill system, and of course loot. Master your character, learn spells, find rare gear and become the hero the empire needs! Easy-to-Learn – Battles in Imperial Hero II are automated and accessible to all. When a player has joined a Guild and dies with at least 1 fame, besides the player, the guild which this player is in gets the same amount of fame obtained by the player but in form of guild fame. Guild fame is used by the founder or one of the leaders to upgrade the guild hall which makes it bigger and lets the guild contain a higher max. Bruma Mages Guild. Go to the Mages Guild in Bruma and speak with Jeanne Frasoric. She needs you to locate J'skar, a guild member who has gone missing. Speak to Volanaro in the guild, and he will inform you that J'skar and him are playing a prank on Jeanne.

The Guild 2 - Renaissance is a medieval life simulator where the player starts off controlling one man or women, builds a fortune through one of four professions, and lays the foundation of a dynasty.

Alright, I’ll start the blog with a minireview of the just released The Guild 2: Renaissance.

This game was originally supposed to be a FREE mod pack for The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas but JoWood, in it’s desperate grab for more dough, decided to give the modders a cash incentive and so it became an official standalone expansion for the game.


The overall gameplay has not changed from the previous game so if you’re interested how the gameplay is in those, I recommend heading to Google and searching for reviews. I do have to wonder how many people bought TG2:PotES because of the (now) false promise of the free mod that was to fix the majority of the current issues in the game? I hope not many because even if it was released for free, it would have been a disaster. As a commercial product it fails on every level.

The Guild 2 Imperial FameThe Guild 2 Imperial Fame

So what’s new then? Well, according to the FAQ on the official forum:

Countless. Here’s a short and very incomplete list:
– 8 new professions (Mercenary, Gravedigger, Innkeeper, Stonemason, Juggler, Miller, Fruit farmer, Banker), some of them with 3 building levels and indoor scenes (Merc., Fruit farmer and Miller can not be entered)
– War and imperial fame
– New maps
– The estate is back
– …

By saying 8 new professions, it actually means 8 new buildings which means absolutely nothing in terms of gameplay. You’ll still do the exact same things you’ve done with the other buildings. How about the war and imperial fame? A very poorly tacked on feature that doesn’t have any real effect on the gameplay. You can play the game with a war going on and there’s absolutely no difference to how things go on normally. The new maps themselves are very plain but built so tightly that you’ll struggle to find any news space to build. The estate? Please. I guess the “…” is appropiate because that’s how I was left feeling after playing the game.

Let’s talk about the bugs then…The pathfinding that was already awful in the TG2: PotES seems worse than before. My own character who was running on a road faster than the person in front of him got stuck behind him! Once I saw my cart just doing 360’s in the middle of the road and not moving anywhere. I had to manually select it, move it a bit and after that it went on it’s merry way. I can only imagine how much money I’ve lost because the pathfinding goes haywire. Another thing that’s most likely related to pathfinding is attacking the buildings. It worked in PotES so I was baffled that when you click to attack a building, most of the time your employees just lift their arms, go “meh” and keep standing still. Only with an incredible amount of luck will they attack the buildings as they should.

I noticed a similar incident when a bunch of guards was going to fight a bunch of marauders. Both sides drew their swords and…resheathed them. Immediately they redrew their swords and…resheathed them AGAIN! This kept going on for a long time, probably until they died of thirst.

The Guild 2 Imperial Fame

Continuing on the failures of this game’s AI…Every town has their own power structure with mayors, jailers, judges, etc that you yourself can apply for. The same goes for the AI. Or it did in PotES. The AI characters have no desire to apply for office as was evidenced in my previous game where all three towns had the majority of the seats vacant for several turns. None of the towns had judges so there was no limit on what crimes you could do since having a trial needs a judge. The evidence I had on several of my competitors became invalid because even after several turns there was not a single application for a judge’s position nor on any other position either.

The guild 2 renaissance imperial reputation

There are just so many bugs in this game that it’s impossible to go through them all. The little design changes that they’ve made also make the game harder than it needs to be. For example, previously, if there was a building for sale, there was a huge glowing coin icon floating above it. Now that’s gone and they’ve opted to put in a small wooden sign just outside a building that’s ridiculously hard to spot. If they wanted to hide the floating coin, they should have made a toggleable visual filter for it. There are several more of the small but annoying changes that do nothing but hamper your ability to play this game.

So, any good changes in the game? Well, there’s a new option that let’s you play 1 year turns instead of 4 years but this was something that modders had done already before. And…well, that’s it. I honestly do not see any reason why anyone would knowingly choose this game over The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas that’s much more stable with a better AI (though, that’s not saying much). Were this a generic compilation of mods that was released as a free mod pack then I could agree with giving them some lenience. However, as they chose to go the commercial route, there’s only one score that can be given to such a horrible mess.

Regarding JoWood, the publisher of the game… There’s a recurring theme with their games: They are ridiculously buggy! Whether they have QA at all is a mystery. As a general rule, no matter how appealing a game they’re showing looks like, I’ll avoid buying their games until they’ve patched them to at least a playable level.

The Guild 2 Increase Imperial Fame

Imperial Cadastral Suite

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Over the course of their reign, land reforms instituted by the Primeval dynasty would give rise to the nations of Kourna, Istan, and Vabbi.
Hint: Gather 10 Ancient Surveyor's Tools from Buried Treasure chests in The Desolation.

— In-game description

The Guild 2 Imperial Fame Baseball


  • Combining 10 Ancient Surveyor's Tools.
  • Found in Buried Treasure using Treasure Hunting Kits in The Desolation


  • Can be safely sold or destroyed after acquiring it.
Bushel of Ancient Elon Grapes • Cord of Tamarisk • Florid Bouquet • Imperial Cadastral Suite • Slab of Architectural-Grade Granite
Reward:Royal Funerary Legging Box
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