Madhurashtakam Lyrics In Sanskrit

Lyrics of Aarti Kunj Bihari Ki. 108 Krishna Names. Ashtottara Shatanamavali of Lord Krishna. Krishna Chalisa. 40 verse poem praising Lord Krishna. Dahi Handi is a famous sportive event organized in the cities of Maharashtra and Goa. Dahi Handi is celebrated on the next day of. Yesudas Sanskrit Madhurashtakam Krishna Bhajan By Yesudas, Sanskrit Devotional Song Bhajan itimes user Updated on Aug 01, 2014, 10:31 IST Song: Adharam Madhuram - Madhurashtakam Lyrics: Mahaprabhu Shrimad Vallabhacharya Singer: Gana Ga.

  1. Madhurashtakam Lyrics In Sanskrit
  2. Madhurashtakam Lyrics In Sanskrit Translation

bhaja govindaṃ Introduction Bhaja Govindam was written by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya. A biography of Shankara and his other. Download Stotram Lyrics (pdf & direct Links). ⇒ Bhaja Govindam In Sanskrit / Hindi: Bhaja Govindam was written by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya. BhajaGovindam is one of the smaller texts composed by Adi Sankaracharya. ( When The original title of Bhaja Govindam is Moha Mudgara.

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This page was last edited on 30 Augustat Where are the relatives when wealth is gone?

During his stay in Kashi, Adi Shankaracharya noticed a very old man studying govindm rules of Sanskrit by Panini. Why am I amassing wealth, family, but have no peace? Blessed with such vairgya, could any fail to be content? Hindu texts Sanskrit texts Bhakti movement Adi Shankara. Worship Govinda, worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, oh fool! The combined 31 are also termed as mohamudgaraH by some.

The prayer leaves one in no doubt that the renunciation of our egotistical differences and surrender to God makes for salvation. Subbulakshmi is very popular. Stanza attributed to nityanAtha.


Chant the swnskrit name of God and silence the turbulent mind. Shankara’s words seem to be quite piercing and seem to lack the softness and tenderness often found in his other texts, thus addressing directly.

Retrieved from ” https: The person thus awakened gets set on a path to the inner road back to the God principle. Though sung as a bhajan, it contains the essence of Vedanta and implores the man to think, Why am I here in this life?

Other scriptures Bhagavad Gita Agamas. Why this engrossment in thoughts of wealth? There are no evidences to prove the exact individual authorship of these 14 verses, we have some traditional hearsay eviences as attribution.

Bhaja Govindam – Wikipedia

He then will have no altercation with Yama. Reader is requested to consult a dictionary and commentaries for additional details.

Goviindam when the soul departs from the body, even his wife runs away in fear of the corpse. These fourteen verses are together called “Chaturdasa-manjarika-Stotra” a hymn consisting of fourteen verse-blossoms. There is only one thing in three worlds that can save you from the ocean of samsAra, get into the boat of satsanga, company of good people, quickly.

Other than chanting the Lord’s names, there is no other way to cross the life’s ocean. Give up your thirst to amass wealth, devote your mind to thoughts to the Real. Why am I amassing wealth, family, but have no peace?

Bhaja Govindam

But the asnskrit of desire never leaves. Published by Chinmaya Publications Trust, However, the significance of the text goes much deeper and contains a well defined philosophy of attaining salvation. In 31 verses, he, like no other, explains our fallacies, our wrong outlook for life, and dispels our ignorance and delusions. Who is your son? Where is samsAra, the world, when the Truth is known? Shankara understood that the majority of the world was also engaged in mere intellectual, sense pleasures and not in the divine contemplation.

Strange is this samsAra, the govjndam.


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by Sripad Vallabha-acharya

adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram
nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram
hridayam madhuram gamanam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

Adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram lyrics

His lips are sweet, His face is sweet,
His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet,
His loving heart is sweet, His gait (walk) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

vachanam madhuram charitam madhuram
vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram
chalitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

His words are sweet, His character is sweet,
His dress (garment) is sweet, His posture is sweet,
His movements are sweet, His wandering (roaming) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

venur madhuro renur madhurah
panir madhurah padau madhurau
nrityam madhuram shakhyam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

His flute-playing is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet,
His hands are sweet, His feet are sweet,
His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

gitam madhuram pitam madhuram
bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram
rupam madhuram tilakam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

His song is sweet, His drinking is sweet,
His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet,
His beautiful form is sweet, His Tilaka (mark on the forehead) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

karanam madhuram taranam madhuram
haranam madhuram ramanam madhuram
vamitam madhuram shamitam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

His deeds (activities) are sweet, His conquest (liberating) is sweet,
His thieving (stealing) is sweet, His love-sports are sweet,
His oblations (offerings) are sweet, His countenance is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

gunja madhura mala madhura
yamuna madhura vici madhura
salilam madhuram kamalam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

His gunja-berry necklace is sweet, His flower garland is sweet,
sweet is the Yamuna river, and sweet are her rippling waves,
her water is sweet, and sweet are the lotus flowers also,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

gopi madhura lila madhura
yuktam madhuram muktam madhuram
dhristam madhuram shistam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

His gopis (cowherd girlfriends) are sweet, His pastimes (plays) are sweet,
His union (meeting him) is sweet, His deliverance (rescue) is sweet,
His sidelong glances are sweet, His courtesy (etiquette) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

gopa madhura gavo madhura
yastir madhura shristhir madhura
dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram

Madhurashtakam Lyrics In Sanskrit

His gopas (cowherd boyfriends) are sweet, His cows are sweet,
His cane (herding-stick) is sweet, His creation is sweet,
His victory (trampling) is sweet, His accomplishment (fruition) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.

|| iti srimad vallabha-acarya viracitam madhurastakam sampurnam ||
|| Thus ends the the eight stanza hymn madhurastakam composed by Sripad Vallabha-acharya ||

'Krishna is the sweetest honey we could ever taste, the sweetest ladhu we could ever enjoy and the sweetest icing on the cake we’ve ever crave for. In short He is sweetness personified that we sometimes become selfish not to share Him with others. Sri Vallabhacharya thus describes in this unique stotra, the Sweetness of Lord Sri Krishna.'

'The Gopi's minds are always engaged in relishing the sweetness of Krishna's Body. He is the Ocean of beauty, and His beautiful Face, His beautiful Smile, and the lustre of His Body are always attractive to the Gopi's mind. In the Krishna Karnamrita these three things have been described as sweet, sweeter, and sweetest. When there are three kinds of contamination in the constitutional body, it is called convulsion. So, similarly, a perfect devotee of Krishna attains a stage of convulsion when he is so overwhelmed by seeing the beauty of Krishna's Body, His Face, and the beauty of Krishna's Smile, This ocean of transcendental convulsion before Krishna's beauty sometimes continues without any treatment, just as with ordinary convulsions a physician does not allow one to drink water for relief.

The devotee increasingly feels the absence of Krishna, because without Him one cannot drink the nectar of His beauty. When there is the transcendental sound of Krishna's flute, the devotee's anxiety to hear that flute penetrates the covering of this material world and enters into the Spiritual Sky, and the transcendental sound of the flute enters into the ears of the followers of the Gop is. The sound of Krishna's flute always resides within the ear of the Gopis, and increases their ecstasy. At the time when it is heard no other sound can enter into the ear, and in their family activities they are not able to reply properly because all these beautiful sounds are vibrating.'

Madhurashtakam Lyrics In Sanskrit Translation

(Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, 10. Chapter)

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