Deep Sky Stacking Programs For Mac

Some of them are focused purely on deep sky astrophotography and some are regular photo editors. Each software has its pros and cons that we will talk about them below. Top 9 Astrophotography Software. Adobe Photoshop –Powerful and professional tool; DeepSkyStacker – Free stacking operation; SiriL – Full-grown astrophotography editor. To run Deep Sky Stacker on a Mac computer, a workaround such as using a virtual machine is necessary. Let’s take a look at the main features of this software: Registration of picture sets Creation and use of offsets, flats and dark frames.

  • DeepSkyStacker has been released in its latest version and is now available. DeepSkyStacker is a freeware for astrophotographers that makes it easier to manage the pre-processing steps of deep sky imaging. It simplifies registering, stacking, post processing and saving the resulting image. After an imaging session the software takes your images (light frames, darks frames, offset/bias frames, flat frames) and prepares them for post-processing.
  • Jul 04, 2020 Deep Sky Stacker, better known as DSS, is arguably one of the most widely used software to calibrate and stack astrophotography images. With DSS, you can fully calibrate your images with Darks, Flats, Dark Flats, and Bias calibration frames for the best results possible.
  • Starry Sky Stacker is a simple deep sky image stacker for us Mac users. While it is user friendly, it is not free and is quite basic. If you want to discover more alternatives to DSS, you can read our review about the most common software for image stacking for astrophotography.

Deep Sky Stacker is a great tool for stacking light, dark, flat and bias astrophotography frames.

See the link:

This software is free but only exists on Windows. I’m a Mac user so is it somehow possible to run a windows app on a Mac?

I recently came across a solution on this website:

Deep Sky Stacking Programs For Mac Download

This people simply ported the windows app with wine (a tool for running windows software on linux and other unix-like operating systems) – thank you for that!

The version from Starchaser stopped working for me on High Sierra so I decided to make my own version.

I searched the forums for the specific beta version 3.3.6 that the people at starchaser used. Downloaded it an played around with WineBottler (wine based tool for converting windows software to a mac .app) and finally it worked on High Sierra.

Here is the result:

Use this if you don’t have installed on your mac:

Use this if you have installed on your mac:

Make shure that you check the settings every time you start DeepSkyStacker. Some settings stay as you left them others don’t. So just double check before you start stacking. DeepSkyStacker should choose the language automatically based on your settings in macOS. If this does not work, please let me know in the comments.

clear skies

Free Programs:

CCD Calculator (including pixel scale)

Clear Sky Chart - It's the astronomers forecast. It shows at a glance when, in the next 48 hours, we might expect clear and dark skies for one specific observing site

Deep Sky Stacker - freeware for astrophotographers that simplifies all the pre-processing steps of deep sky pictures.

EQMOD - consists of a suite of open source applications that can provide an alternative to the hand controller on supported German Equatorial Mounts

Stellarium - is a free open source planetarium for your computer.

Cartes Du Ciel - program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in many catalogs of stars and nebulae.

PHD2 - is telescope guiding software that simplifies the process of tracking a guide star, letting you concentrate on other aspects of deep-sky imaging or spectroscopy

Excalibrator - uses the SDSS or APASS database to identify stars in your image that should be white. eXcalibrator then computes color correction factors.

ASCOM - is a many-to-many and language-independent architecture, supported by most astronomy devices which connect to Windows computers

Registax - Free software for alignment / stacking / processing images

Fits Liberator - is a free software program for processing and editing astronomical science data in the FITS format to reproduce images of the universe.

Deep sky stacking programs for machine learning

StarStax - StarStaX is a fast multi-platform image stacking and blending software, which is developed primarily for Star Trail Photography.

N.I.N.A. - N.I.N.A. offers a broad variety of capabilities. The toolset spans from choosing, framing, focusing, centering and imaging one or multiple targets and much more.

Astra Image - Astra Image gives you everything you need to make your images sharper, clearer, more amazing. With a clean, easy-to-use layout and intuitive tools, you will be making better photos in no time. Available as an application and Adobe Photoshop plug-ins.

Genicapture - Genika Astro is an image acquisition software dedicated to astronomical imaging.
It supports high speed cameras from Andor, AVT, Basler, IDS, PointGrey, QHY, Raptor Photonics, Celestron / The Imaging Source cameras and ZWO (Does not appear to be updated any longer however recommended by ZWO)


Sequence Generator Pro - is software that is capable of executing complex sequences of capture events which will allow you to spend more time looking up and less time fighting with your rig.We also feel strongly about providing software at down to earth prices.

Pixinsight - Advanced Image Processing. PixInsight is a modular, open-architecture, portable image processing platform.

Maxim DL - Cyanogen Imaging® MaxIm DLTM includes an extensive suite of image acquisition, processing, and analysis tools. Starting with complete observatory integration, MaxIm DL takes you from gathering raw data through to the final high-quality result with the minimum of effort

Astro Pixel Processor - complete Deep Sky Image Processing applicationwith several new and innovative feautures.

AstroArt - A complete software for astrophotography: image processing, astrometry, photometry, camera and telescope control.

Voyager - Voyager is a systems integration software, interfacing third-part software products to make them work together and achieve practical results, using a single management console.

Prism - All-in-One Software Package with Plan, Capture, Automate, Process.

Deep Sky Stacking Programs For Mac Os

Astro Photography Tool - APT stands for 'AstroPhotography Tool' and it is like Swiss army knife for your astro imaging sessions. No matter what you are imaging with - Canon EOS, Nikon, CCD or CMOS astro camera, APT has the right tool for planning, collimating, aligning, focusing, framing, controlling/tethering, imaging, synchronizing, scheduling, meridian flipping, analyzing and monitoring.

CCD Stacker - provides you with many tools to process, assemble and view your astronomical images.

CCD Inspector - Unlike collimation procedures of the past, CCD Inspector provides a revolutionary new way to collimate a compound-optics telescope.

TheSkyX - is an essential tool for observatory control, deep space imaging and scientific discovery, and includes the broadest range of advanced features to enhance your experience under the night skies.

Backyard EOS - is software tailor made to control your Canon DSLR camera. It is purposely built with astro-photography in mind.

Star Tools - is a image post-processing application built from the ground up exclusively for modern hardware and modern astrophotographers.

P2p Programs For Mac


Free Programs For Mac Downloads

Updated: 11/20/2020

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